14 of The Most Common Shaving Myths Debunked

When it comes to shaving, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. We’ve debunked 14 popular shaving myths to help optimize your shaving experience.

Woman shaving in the bathroom

With so much information on shaving out there, sometimes it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Here are 14 of the most common shaving myths, debunked.

Shaving causes hair to grow back thicker, faster and darker.

Woman shaving her underarm area

Genetics and hormones impact body hair colour, thickness and growth, not shaving. A razor blade cuts away hairs at the skin’s surface, which can make the cut hairs appear thicker and darker as they grow back. And, how quickly hair grows can vary, too. Armpit hair, for example, grows about 50 percent faster than leg hair. Learn more about this body hair myth.

Using a new, sharp razor blade causes more nicks and cuts than a dull blade.

Oval razor head with a blue lubrastrip and 5 blades

A dull razor blade can actually cause more nicks, cuts and skin irritation than a new, sharp blade. Dull blades can pull at your body hair and feel rough when gliding across your skin, which can result in more irritation post-shave. Sharp razors move more smoothly across the skin, and a light touch on the razor is all you need to get the job done. Using a sharp razor also leads to a better and quicker shave, whereas a dull razor might require a few passes over the same area to effectively cut the hairs at the surface, increasing the chances of irritating your skin. If you think your razor blade is dull, it’s time to replace it.

Pressing hard on a razor will give you a closer shave.

Woman shaving her leg with a razor in a bathroom

Applying too much pressure to your razor blade increases the chances of nicks and cuts. As long as your razor blade is sharp, press lightly on the handle and let the blade do the work for you.

Shaving over the same area more than once will result in a closer shave.

Woman smiling in a bikini

Shaving over the same spot multiple times could irritate your skin. If the first pass of a razor doesn’t give you a close enough shave, reapply shaving gel and gently re-shave over the area. If you’re still having trouble achieving a clean shave, it may be time to change your razor blade or to try one with more blades.

Shaving will make your tan fade faster.

Woman in foam shaving her armpits with Venus razor

You will not shave off your tan. Regular shaving can actually enhance your tan by helping to remove any flaky, dead skin.

It is OK to borrow someone else’s razor.

Three oval razor headed razors next to each other

You should never share razors for design and sanitary reasons. Using someone else’s razor blade can cause infections if you get nicked or cut. What’s more, razors are designed differently for men and women; razors for men are typically crafted with just facial hair in mind, whereas women’s razors are designed specifically to shave larger and curvier areas, such as your legs. Learn more about why you shouldn’t share razors.

Is shaving cream necessary or will soap and water work just as well.

Woman shaving her leg with shaving gel

Shaving gels and creams preserve moisture and help protect skin from irritation. Shaving with just soap will dry out your skin and increase the chances of irritation. Find out how to choose the best shaving creams and gels.

It is OK to shave without water if you’re in a hurry.

Legs covered in foam in a bathtub

Can I shave without water? You can, but should you? Shaving dry skin can cause razor burn, ingrown hairs and skin irritation. Soaking the area you plan to shave for three to five minutes softens hair follicles and helps the razor glide across your skin.

Waxing doesn’t cause ingrown hairs, only shaving does.

Female hand holding a waxing strip with wax dripping from it

Ingrown hairs after waxing are a thing. Waxing and shaving both can cause ingrown hairs. To help protect your skin from razor bumps while shaving, exfoliate first to remove dead skin and learn how to shave properly. Read more about ingrown hairs and how to prevent them.

Shaving sensitive areas, like your bikini line, is too tricky to do by yourself.

Woman shaving her pubic area with Venus razor

You can shave sensitive areas like your bikini line from the comfort of your home by following the right steps and by using the right shaving tools.

Shaving every day is bad for your skin.

Woman shaving her leg with a razor in a bathroom

Is shaving every day bad? Not necessarily if you do it properly. You can shave every day, if preferred, as long as you do it correctly to safeguard your skin from irritation.

You should shave the day before, not the day of an event.

Woman shaving her underarm area

Allowing skin time to recoup after shaving minimizes chances of irritation, especially for sensitive areas like the underarms. However, you can shave on the day of an event by following the appropriate shaving steps.

Shaving leaves skin dry and flaky.

Woman shaving her leg with a pink razor

A sharp razor blade can shave off dry and flaky skin cells along with cut body hairs. So, shaving properly actually helps you maintain healthier skin and remove dry skin after shaving. Make sure to also apply a moisturizing lotion or oil after you shave to help keep your skin hydrated.

You shouldn’t shave during winter.

Legs in winter socks

Choosing to shave or not to shave in winter is a personal preference. With that said, shaving can remove layers of dead skin and reduce friction from body hair rubbing against clothes, which helps prevent chafing and agitating dry skin caused by the harsh winter weather.